Hall of Fame - Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen
Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen 7. Dan Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do blev optaget i Tang Soo Do verdenens ”Hall of Fame” fredag den 3. november 2017 i Seoul ved at få den 1" World Tang Soo Do Hall of Fame med teksten:
Den 1" World Tang Soo Do Hall of Fame Stien for en martial kunstner er en lang og besværlig én: især for en Tang Soo Do mester. Det er en vejlinje med blod, sved, tårer og udholdenhed.
Vi fra World Tang Soo Do General Federation - Moo Duk Kwan anerkender Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen i kategorien Fremragende Eksemplarisk Dedikation til Forbundet og Tang Soo Do verdenen.
Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen er i dag Kwan Chang Nim for 7 Tang Soo Do skoler i Danmark og 1 i England samt Farmand for Dansk Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Forbund.
Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen 7. Dan Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do was recorded in Tang Soo Do the world's "Hall of Fame" on Friday, November 3, 2017 in Seoul by getting the 1 "World Tang Soo Do Hall of Fame with the text: The 1 "World Tang Soo Do Hall of Fame The path of a martial artist is a long and cumbersome one: especially for a Tang Soo Do master. It's a line of blood, sweat, tears and perseverance. We of the World Tang Soo Do General Federation - Moo Duk Kwan recognize the efforts of Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen in the category of Outstanding Exemplary Dedication to the Federation and the Tang Soo Do World. Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen is today Kwan Chang Nim for 7 Tang Soo Do schools in Denmark and 1 Tang Soo Do school in England and Chairman for Danish Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation
The 1” World Tang Soo Do Hall of Fame
The path of martial artist is a long and arduous one: particularly for a Tang Soo Do master. It is a road line with blood, sweat, tears and perseverance. We of the World Tang Soo Do General Federation – Moo Duk Kwan recognize the afforts of Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen in the category of Outstanding Exemplary Dedication to the Federatation on the evening of Friday November 3th 2017
Den 1" World Tang Soo Do Hall of Fame Stien for en martial kunstner er en lang og besværlig én: især for en Tang Soo Do mester. Det er en vejlinje med blod, sved, tårer og udholdenhed. Vi fra World Tang Soo Do General Federation - Moo Duk Kwan anerkender Kwan Chang Nim Erik Kristensen i kategorien Fremragende Eksemplarisk Dedikation til Forbundet og Tang Soo Do verdenen Fredags Aftenen den 3. november 2017 anerkende